Into Design Systems LIVE from Meta in London 🇬🇧
March 19th 2024 - 6:30PM GMT - Live on Zoom
Into Design Systems LIVE from Meta in London 🇬🇧
March 19th - 6:30PM GMT - Live on Zoom

Welcome by your hosts live from London
Sil Bormüller (they/them) - Founder Into Design Systems Sergiy Voronov (he/him) - AR/VR Designer at RealityLabs Meta Andressa Lombardo (she/her) - Principal Designer at Teamwork & Teacher at Memorisely

Welcome by your hosts live from London
Sil Bormüller (they/them) - Founder Into Design Systems Sergiy Voronov (he/him) - AR/VR Designer at RealityLabs Meta Andressa Lombardo (she/her) - Principal Designer at Teamwork & Teacher at Memorisely

Design Systems: The WhatsApp Way
Christos Kastriti (he/him) - Product Designer WhatsApp

Design Systems: The WhatsApp Way
Christos Kastriti (he/him) - Product Designer WhatsApp

LeanDS: Tackling Design Systems with a Lean Approach
Marianne Ashton-Booth (She/Her/They/Them) - Head of Design Systems, ITVX

LeanDS: Tackling Design Systems with a Lean Approach
Marianne Ashton-Booth (She/Her/They/Them) - Head of Design Systems, ITVX

Speaking Slot - Open for Sponsoring
Reach 100 DS Friends IRL & 1000+ online.



Future-Proof Your Career as a Design System Expert 🚀

Future-Proof Your Career as a Design System Expert 🚀

Into Design Systems Online Conference 2024
Into Design Systems
Online Conference 2024
Exciting news! Our big annual event is coming 🚀 - Into Design Systems Conference 2024 will happen online on May 15-17, 2024. Get ready for the most practical hands-on online Design Systems Conference ever! 🛠️
Join us for 3 full days as we dive into the world 🌍 of Design Systems and discover the secrets of Design System experts operating in their systems. 🛠️🎨
Exciting news! Our big annual event is coming 🚀 - Into Design Systems Conference 2024 will happen online on May 15-17, 2024. Get ready for the most practical hands-on online Design Systems Conference ever! 🛠️
Join us for 3 full days as we dive into the world 🌍 of Design Systems and discover the secrets of Design System experts operating in their systems. 🛠️🎨
👋🏼 Join our conference
Join our conference

Why Attend?
📚 Real use cases and learnings
💡 Latest innovations and updates in the field
💼 Virtual Job board
👋🏼 Hundreds of Design System Friends to connect with
🔗 The BEST introvert friendly networking on a virtual event
🗣️ Share experiences, knowledge and Q&A as you want!
👋🏼 Let's learn together
What people say about our events 🙌🏻


Learn Design Systems
Join 1.000 Friends worldwide

Why Attend?
📚 Real use cases and learnings
💡 Latest innovations and updates in the field
💼 Virtual Job board
👋🏼 Hundreds of Design System Friends to connect with
🔗 The BEST introvert friendly networking on a virtual event
🗣️ Share experiences, knowledge and Q&A as you want!
👋🏼 Let's learn together